Wish it came with a warning to not over-tighten the leg screws though. Snapped two of them right off without realising.
Norel monitor stand for desk , Large Monitor Table with Screen Rise, Ideal Gaming Setup Desk, Monitor Riser Stand for Desk, Table for Monitor
Love the product. Delivery was neat, clear instructions were provided that helped in assembling the product. Highly recommended!
The product looks exactly the same. The quality of the cuts and the finish of each assembly was top-notch. The booklet helped to get it assembled by myself.
It's and amazing designer design this product realy very appreciate..
Product quality also very good .
Just one loop hole is very poor service rest all this thing are good ..
I was abroad and placed this order. Realised that the knob is missing when I came back.
Value for money
I buy only RS - 3464.10
I order "Walnut" cooler but received defiant colour
The product is of good quality and it is the same as shown in the pictures.
Mallium Study Table is perfect for office & home as compact in size & easy to assemble.
I like this product.
Very happy with this closet. I saw more affordable options online but this one looked good and is far more functional due to additional shelves.